Max ERTC helps you meet your mission!
Haven't taken advantage of the ERTC program yet? It's not too late, but it's time to take action.
Max ERTC makes applying for this federal program simple and painless.
In this webinar, you will learn the following:
How you can receive a refund on the payroll tax on employees you retained during 2020 and 2021 - the amount is often similar in size to the PPP loan.
How you should act rather quickly: the deadline is to apply within three years of a quarter’s eligibility, so quarters will stop counting toward eligibility as early as March 2023.
How MaxERTC makes it easy to qualify and apply for a refund.
How the minimum number of employees you need is ONE, so all nonprofits are eligible.
The timeline and process for qualification and reimbursement.
Next steps?
Collect your 2019, 2020, and 2021 gross receipts (i.e., total income) and submit to
Alternatively, if you have any questions about the process, email Ian and Chris at ( or call (216) 302-8966 and tell them Mission Met sent you.
MaxERTC is a trusted partner of Mission Met. Mission Met never has access to your sensitive financial information.