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Your Organization’s Strategy to Navigate COVID-19

If you’re like the leaders of many small organizations, COVID-19 is forcing you and your team to answer some significant questions:

  • How will COVID-19 impact the priorities of our funders?

  • Do we need to pivot our programs and services?

  • Will we have to lay off some staff to make it through?

  • How can we best support our virtual staff?

  • How will our strategic plan change?

  • What do we need to do right now?

These are tough questions. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a simple and practical way to get some clarity on them?

Well, if you can spare 30 minutes to an hour, then you and your team can create a practical and actionable plan to guide you through the COVID-19 world. 

Take a look at this video and we’ll walk you through an action planning process that you can immediately apply. 

After watching the video, make sure you develop your action plan, share with your team, and use it over the next few weeks.