How the Mission Met Team Developed Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Statement

How the Mission Met Team Developed Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Statement

In this blog post, you'll find out about the team effort that went into creating Mission Met's statement on DEIJ. It’s our hope that sharing the step-by-step process we took, including areas for improvement, will inform and inspire you as a mission-driven leader to develop your own statement (and subsequent strategy) dedicated to these core principles.

5 Strategic Planning Hacks for Your Nonprofit

5 Strategic Planning Hacks for Your Nonprofit

Strategic planning can be your nonprofit's secret sauce, the magic ingredient that turns your mission into impactful outcomes. I know this because I’ve seen it happen over and over again for more than two decades. At Mission Met, we've dedicated ourselves to simplifying this process for you. Get ready to dive into five proven strategic planning hacks that can truly revolutionize your organization.

How to Ace Your Podcast Appearance as a Mission Driven Leader

How to Ace Your Podcast Appearance as a Mission Driven Leader

As a key team member of a nonprofit, you already have a strong passion for making a positive difference in the world. However, it's easy to feel like your message isn't being heard by a wider audience. That's where podcasts come in - they allow you to share your organization's story and mission with a community of supporters who are eager to listen. Whether you're new to podcast interviews or have done many before, it's essential to approach each one with the right preparation and mindset. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your next podcast appearance.

2 Powerful Tools to Make Time for Your Nonprofit’s Strategic Planning

2 Powerful Tools to Make Time for Your Nonprofit’s Strategic Planning

Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day to work on your nonprofit’s strategy? You are not alone! Nonprofit leaders often share this sentiment due to numerous urgent and competing demands such as taking care of personnel issues, fundraising, grant proposal writing, engaging stakeholders, communicating with the board, and on and on. Although there isn't a quick fix to find more time, fortunately, with the use of some tools, making time for strategy and other priorities doesn’t need to feel like such a daunting task. Let’s explore ways to make strategic planning more manageable each week by using the Eisenhower Time Management Matrix and the Focus Funnel.

I Asked AI to Create a Plan for a Fake Organization — The Results Blew Me Away, But Not in the Way You Might Think

I Asked AI to Create a Plan for a Fake Organization — The Results Blew Me Away, But Not in the Way You Might Think

With all of the recent news about artificial intelligence (AI), it got me thinking about the potential impact of AI on strategic planning — my area of expertise. So I did a little experiment: I went to ChatGPT and asked it to craft a strategic plan for a fictitious organization. Check out what happened next in this article.

Friday Fives: A Simple Best Practice for Executive Directors to Connect With Their Team

Friday Fives: A Simple Best Practice for Executive Directors to Connect With Their Team

This article was written by Sara McKeown White, LCPC, the executive director of the Mental Health Coalition of Teton Valley. She and her team have been engaged in Mission Met’s strategic planning cohort program with other nonprofits in Idaho’s Teton Valley. It explains how a regular email process has helped build their relationships with each other and their strategic plan. 

How to Find Your Brand and Voice as a Nonprofit

How to Find Your Brand and Voice as a Nonprofit

Every nonprofit has its own mission and goals, but in order to truly make a difference and reach your audience, you need a strong brand and a clear voice. But how do you go about finding your brand and voice as a nonprofit? In this post, we’ll explore some key steps you can take to discover and define what makes your organization unique, why it’s important to know your audience, and more about your tone and branding.