Making Strategic Plans Work: Practical Tips for Mission-Driven Organizations

Are you frustrated with dedicating hours to developing comprehensive strategic plans, only for them to be forgotten? Many mission-driven organizations encounter this issue, often stumbling during the implementation phase due to common pitfalls. In a recent LinkedIn Live conversation, Jamie Yazdani from Yazdani Consulting and Ricky Chilcott, co-founder of Mission Met, delve into these challenges and present actionable solutions.To read a summary of the conversation, check out this article on Causey’s blog.

The key issues (and solutions) highlighted include:

- Being overly ambitious without adequate resources: Set realistic goals and track progress, adjusting plans as necessary.

- Creating overly complex plans: Simplify your strategic plan to make it accessible and actionable for all team members.

- Lack of team engagement: Involve your entire team from the beginning to ensure buy-in and ownership.

- Absence of champions: Assign champions to drive the plan forward, fostering accountability and collaboration.

- Failure to track progress: Establish regular review and measurement processes to stay aligned with strategic goals.

Using a tool like Causey can streamline these processes, helping organizations track their strategic progress and celebrate successes. To learn more about effective strategic planning and how to implement these solutions, watch the full conversation on YouTube or visit