strategic planning software

An Overview of Metrics on Your Strategic Plan

At Mission Met, we think establishing and tracking metrics on your nonprofit’s strategic plan is a fantastic way to strengthen your organization. But we also totally get that metrics can be made to be overly complex and a distraction. So, in this brief article we’ll provide you with an overview of our practical (hopefully!) approach to strategic planning metrics and how they can benefit you and your team.

How Software Catalyzes Your Strategic Planning Success: From Eric Ryan's Upcoming Book

For the first decade-plus of my consulting career, I helped our customers capture and track their strategic plans in Microsoft Word and Excel documents. That worked fine.

However, Word- and Excel-based plans were fairly static and didn’t actively engage teams to take any action. Plus, not everyone felt comfortable using Excel, and the plans were avoided as a result.

I had a nagging thought that there must be a better way.