Strategic Planning — The Executive Director — Mission Met

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Themes: A Look Back at the Past Few Years

Strategic Planning Themes: A Look Back at the Past Few Years

With the end of the year approaching, I’ve been thinking about strategic planning themes — What are they? How could I identify them? How might they evolve year-to-year? Understanding themes and trends offers numerous benefits to you as a leader since they can help inform decisions and strategies.

Here’s what I discovered about strategic planning themes in reviewing plans from customers over the last 3 years.

How a Co-Champion Can Transform Your Strategic Planning Effectiveness: From Eric Ryan's Upcoming Book

A co-champion can help you, and your strategic planning process remain accountable for tracking, measuring, and revising your plan. And ultimately keep you accountable for making forward progress.

A Simple Research-based Tip for Setting More Effective Goals

For several years we’ve told our clients that there are two types of goals: process goals and results goals. For example, a process goal may be "to write one grant per month." The correlating results goal might be "to acquire $100K in new funding this year."

So, for these goals, the question is: "Which goal will help us get the result we want -- the $100K?" The correct answer is "it depends.”