The Executive Director — Mission Met

Mission Met Center (our strategic planning software) is now called Causey! Learn more…

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A Simple Research-based Tip for Setting More Effective Goals

For several years we’ve told our clients that there are two types of goals: process goals and results goals. For example, a process goal may be "to write one grant per month." The correlating results goal might be "to acquire $100K in new funding this year."

So, for these goals, the question is: "Which goal will help us get the result we want -- the $100K?" The correct answer is "it depends.”

Research Indicates a Strong Positive Correlation Between Strategic Planning and the Fundraising Success of Small Nonprofits

In 2020, Mission Met set out to learn more about the relationship between strategic planning and fundraising. For years, I've seen the positive effect that strategic planning has on the ability to fundraise successfully, but I've never had qualitative data to back it up.
